The Sports Edge With Rick Wolf: September 2021
The time has come to save the game of baseball: guests Jeffy Frye and Kevin Gallagher explain how this national movement will launch.

Jeff Frye
“Teach your kid to hit…so they don’t quit” is a great book for all ages. It teaches the fundamentals of hitting that the best players in the MLB have been using for 150 years. Please stop wasting your time and money on flawed instruction.

BallNine: Launch This
With Chili Davis and assistant Tom Slater out the door as hitting coaches, we fully expect the Mets to be another team rushing headlong to the Church of Launch Angle…

The Sports Edge with Rick Wolff: May 2021
More discussion on what’s the best way to teach hitting to kids with Kevin Gallagher, author of Teach Your Kids to Hit So They Don’t Quit.

MLB Network Interview
MLB Network interview with Kevin Gallagher, Rico Petrocelli and Ed Randall August 8, 2020

Just Sayin' with Charlie Cornacchio
Former pro baseball player Kevin Gallagher sits in on the Just Sayin Podcast with Charlie Cornacchio to discuss his book, illustrations, and videos that prove the “top hand” approach to hitting will help to make your child more successful in the batter’s box. Simply put, “If a kid can hit, they won’t quit.”

The Sports Edge with Rick Wolff: July 2020
Listen to the WFAN interview with Rick Wolff and Kevin Gallagher discussing Kevin’s new book, “Teach Your Kid to Hit … So They Don’t Quit”…. Aired Sunday July 5th 2020!